Journal of Scholarship & Practice Articles
Browse all articles from the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship & Practice.
November 01, 2021
Superintendents’ Perceptions of the Assistance Provided by Their Predecessors During A Change in LeadershipType:Article Topics: Leadership DevelopmentThe findings indicate that one third of successor superintendents have a strongly favorable view of the helpfulness of their predecessor. -
November 01, 2021
Leadership Traits of Superintendents in a Rural, Midwest State: Perceptions of School Board Presidents and SuperintendentsType:Article Topics: Leadership DevelopmentThis study examined which leadership traits of superintendents were most important according to superintendents and school board presidents in a rural state in the Midwest. -
November 01, 2021
Self-reflections on the Amount of Superintendent Talk and Impact on Stakeholders from Wyoming SuperintendentsType:Article Topics: Leadership DevelopmentSuperintendents talk over 74% of the time to accomplish the work of the superintendency -
November 01, 2021
Latina Female Superintendents Securing Positions in Small Rural School DistrictsType:Article Topics: Access & OpportunityThis study revealed that Latina superintendents were attracted to small rural districts with a familial environment with high levels of parental and community involvement. -
September 01, 2021
Promoting Equity in the Modern SuperintendencyType:Article Topics: Access & OpportunityThis article focuses on how equity operates within and around issues of community relations and social media -
September 01, 2021
A Descriptive Analysis of High Need Districts’ Inequitable Access to Talent-centered education HR SystemsType:Article Topics: District & School Operations, Staffing, HR & Talent DevelopmentThis study draws from the SHRM and TCEL literature to apply an HR systems typology to categorize school districts based on their personnel policies. -
September 01, 2021
High School Drug Testing Perceptions Among Superintendents in ColoradoType:Article Topics: District & School OperationsThis study examines superintendents’ perceptions regarding drug testing of high school students. -
June 01, 2021
The Relationship Between Distributive Leadership, School Culture, and Teacher Self-Efficacy at the Middle School LevelType:Article Topics: Leadership Development, School Climate & Culture, Staffing, HR & Talent DevelopmentThe results indicate the need for school leadership to adopt a holistic framework for leading large complex organizations such as middle schools. -
June 01, 2021
Leading Deep LearningType:Article Topics: District & School OperationsHow the leadership of 11 principals impacted their schools’ level of engagement in a district-wide deep learning initiative. -
January 01, 2021
Incentivizing Equality Through Educational ExpendituresType:Article Topics: Access & OpportunityThis article shines a spotlight on the ways that school districts—perhaps unintentionally—contribute to a system of social and economic inequality.