Awards & Grants
awards and grant programs recognize excellence, profile best practices in public education and honor leaders whose contributions have made a significant impact on the lives and learning of children.
National Superintendent of the Year®
The National Superintendent of the Year® program — in partnership with AASA, Sourcewell, and — pays tribute to the talent and vision of the men and women who lead the nation’s public schools
Women in School Leadership Awards
The Women in School Leadership Awards pay tribute to the talent, creativity, and vision of outstanding women educational administrators in the nation’s public schools.
Distinguished Service Awards
Distinguished Service Awards are given annually to retired members who exhibit exemplary leadership throughout their careers and who have enhanced the profession of school administration.
Daniel A. Domenech Scholarship
This scholarship seeks to support aspiring Latino and Latina superintendents that due to financial hardship are unable to participate in the Aspiring Superintendents Academy®️&Բ;for Latino and Latina Leaders.
Educational Administration Scholarship Award
AASA’s Educational Administration Scholarships were created in 1949 to provide incentive, honor and financial assistance to outstanding graduate students in school administration who intend to make the school superintendency a career.
Effie H. Jones Humanitarian Award
This award honors members who have advanced the status of women and minorities in education.
Excellence in Family Engagement Award
AASA, in partnership with the National PTA, recognizes superintendents who are implementing exemplary best practices to integrate family engagement across strategic plans, budgets, and district infrastructure.
Learn More| Sourcewell Helping Kids Mini Grant Program
This program helps public school districts meet urgent health, mental health, education and social service needs that impact children and their families.
Save the Music
The award is sponsored by the Save the Music Foundation and is presented each year at the National Conference on Education to one superintendent or school CEO who has exhibited outstanding commitment to restoring music in education in his or her school district.
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