Author Guidelines & Copyright
Author guidelines, copyright, privacy and ethics statement for the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship & Practice.
About the Journal
The ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice is a refereed, blind-reviewed, quarterly journal with a focus on research and evidence-based practice that advance the profession of education administration.
The mission of the journal is to provide peer-reviewed, user-friendly and methodologically sound research that practicing school and district administrations can use to take action, and that higher education faculty can use to prepare future school and district administrators.
The journal publishes accepted manuscripts in the following categories:
- Evidence-Based Practice
- Original Research
- Research-Informed Commentary
- Book Reviews
The scope for submissions focus on the intersection of five factors of school and district administration:
- Administrators
- Teachers
- Students
- Subject Matter
- Settings
The journal encourages submissions that focus on the intersection of the factors listed above. The journal discourages submissions that focus only on personal reflections and opinions.
Below are themes and areas of interest for publication cycles.
- Governance, Funding, and Control of Public Education
- Federal Education Policy and the Future of Public Education
- Federal, State, and Local Governmental Relationships
- Teacher Quality (e.g., hiring, assessment, evaluation, development, and compensation of teachers)
- School Administrator Quality (e.g., hiring, preparation, assessment, evaluation, development, and compensation of principals and other school administrators)
- Data and Information Systems (for both summative and formative evaluative purposes)
- Charter Schools and Other Alternatives to Public Schools
- Turning Around Low-Performing Schools and Districts
- Large scale assessment policy and programs
- Curriculum and instruction
- School reform policies
- Financial Issues
Length of manuscripts should be as follows:
- Research and evidence-based practice articles between 2,800 and 4,800 words;
- Commentaries between 1,600 and 3,800 words;
- Book and media reviews between 400 and 800 words.
Articles, commentaries, book and media reviews, citations and references are to follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, latest edition.
Permission to use previously copyrighted materials is the responsibility of the author, not the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice.
Cover sheet checklist:
- Title of the article
- Contributor’s name
- Terminal degree
- Academic rank
- Department and affiliation
- Address
- Telephone and fax numbers
- E-mail address
- Whether the submission is to be considered original research, evidence-based practice article, commentary or book or media review
- 120-word abstract that conforms to APA style
- Six to eight key words that reflect the essence of the submission
- 40-word biographical sketch
Please do not use headers or footers with page numbers in the submission. Rather than use footnotes, it is preferred authors embed footnote content in the body of the article.
Articles are to be submitted to the editor by e-mail as a Microsoft Word attachment using Times New Roman, 12 point font.
Contributors will be notified of editorial board decisions within eight weeks of receipt of papers at the editorial office.
The ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice reserves the right to make minor editorial changes without seeking approval from contributors.
Materials published in the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice do not constitute endorsement of the content or conclusions presented.
The journal is listed in Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities. Articles are also archived in the ERIC collection.
The journal is available online only and considered an open access document.
In addition to the submission guidelines above, book reviews should include the following information:
- Full title of book
- Author
- City, state; publisher, year; page; price
- Name and affiliation of reviewer
- Contact information for reviewer: address, country, zip or postal code, e-mail address, telephone and fax
- Date of submission
Issue | Deadline to Submit | Notification to Authors of Editorial Review Board Decisions | To ÂÜÀòÍøfor Formatting and Editing | Issue Published |
Spring | October 1 | January 1 | February 15 | April 1 |
Summer | February 1 | April 1 | May 15 | July 1 |
Fall | May 1 | July 1 | August 15 | October 1 |
Winter | August 1 | October 1 | November 15 | February 1 |
Articles published by AASA, ÂÜÀòÍø (AASA) in the AASA Journal of Scholarship and Practice fall under the .
Please refer to the policy for rules about republishing, distribution, etc. In most cases our readers can copy, post, and distribute articles that appear in the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice, but the works must be attributed to the author(s) and the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice.
Works can only be distributed for non-commercial/non-monetary purposes. Alteration to the appearance or content of any articles used is not allowed. Readers who are unsure whether their intended uses might violate the policy should get permission from the author or the editor of the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice.
Authors Please Note:
By submitting a manuscript, the author(s) acknowledge that the submitted manuscript is not under review by any other publisher or society, and the manuscript represents original work completed by the author(s) and not previously published as per professional ethics based on APA guidelines, most recent edition.
By submitting a manuscript, authors agree to transfer without charge the following rights to AASA, its publications, and especially the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice upon acceptance of the manuscript.
The ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice is indexed by several services and is also a member of the Directory of Open Access Journals. This means there is worldwide access to all content. Authors must agree to first worldwide serial publication rights and the right for the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice and ÂÜÀòÍøto grant permissions for use of works as the editors judge appropriate for the redistribution, repackaging, and/or marketing of all works and any metadata associated with the works in professional indexing and reference services.
Any revenues received by ÂÜÀòÍøand the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice from redistribution are used to support the continued marketing, publication and distribution of articles.
The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Please note that the journal is available via the internet at no cost to audiences around the world.
Authors’ names and e-mail addresses are posted for each article. Authors who agree to have their manuscripts published in the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice agree to have their names and e-mail addresses posted on their articles for public viewing.
The ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice uses a double-blind peer-review process to maintain scientific integrity of its published materials.
Peer-reviewed articles are one hallmark of the scientific method and the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice believes in the importance of maintaining the integrity of the scientific process in order to bring high quality literature to the education leadership community. We expect our authors to follow the same ethical guidelines.
We refer readers to the latest edition of the APA Style Guide to review the ethical expectations for publication in a scholarly journal.
Contact the Journal of Scholarship & Practice Editors
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