Reprints and Permissions

Request to reprint or permission to use articles from School Administrator.

ÂÜÀòÍøcan provide a cost estimate for reprints of an article in the magazine, either in full color or black and white.

The minimum quantity is 25 copies.

A regular schedule takes 2-3 weeks. Rush orders take 7-10 days.

Use the form below to complete your request.

Request for Reprints

Contact & Shipping Information:

Please include street, city, state and zip code.

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School Administrator retains copyright on nearly all articles we publish. We limit copyright permission to two articles (or fewer) from any one issue.

Please allow a week's response time.

Use the form below to complete your request.

Request for Permissions

Contact Information:

Please include street, city, state and zip code.

Please Note: If you hit the submit button and are not taken to a confirmation message, you are missing a required field. Please review the form and fill out all required fields to successfully submit your request.