Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions about School Administrator magazine.
How might I get published in the magazine?

School Administrator welcomes submissions for feature articles, op-ed columns, letters to the editor and practical how-to articles if they offer a fresh perspective and are on a topic of interest to school superintendents and other members of the school leadership team.

Please consider the author guidelines for length and tone, and whether we have recently covered your topic by reviewing past issues and our editorial calendar.

With our small editorial staff, we can only respond to phone calls and e-mail queries of topics that we find of interest.

Can I subscribe to School Administrator?

School Administrator is one of the key benefits of membership in ÂÜÀòÍøand is not available by subscription.

For information on joining AASA, please visit the membership page or call membership services at 703-875-0748.

How do I change my mailing address?

and use the pencil icon to edit your profile information.

If you do not know your username or password, use the reset links or contact membership services by email or phone at 703-528-0748.

May I purchase additional copies of School Administrator?

Yes. Visit this page for pricing details and to submit your request for additional copies.


Can you e-mail me a past article?

Much of our content is available online.

Full issue archives can be found here, and past individual articles can be found here.

For a small fee, additional articles can be retrieved through several document delivery services:

  • Cengage ()
  • EBSCO ()
  • ProQuest ()

Microform and microfiche are available from ProQuest (800-521-0600). has also made several articles available for a fee.

How do I obtain reprints?

We can provide a cost estimate for reprints of an article in the magazine, either in full color or black and white.

Details and reprint request form available here.

How do I obtain copyright permission for an article?

School Administrator retains copyright on nearly all articles that we publish. We limit copyright permission to two articles (or fewer) from any one issue.

Details and permissions request form available here.