Journal of Scholarship & Practice Articles
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July 01, 2017
Collective Impact: What Does It Mean for Educational Leaders?Type:Article Topics: Advocacy & PolicyDue to local, state, and national accountability measures, school reform efforts have become critical of many legislative agendas. -
June 01, 2017
Using Whole School Cluster Grouping to Differentiate Instruction More Effectively in Elementary Schools: A Guide for Administrators and TeachersType:Article Topics: Curriculum & Assessment, Early LearningGiven the wide range of ability (academic, linguistic and cultural) in classrooms differentiated instruction is often difficult to manage -
June 01, 2017
Our Kids: The American Dream in CrisisType:Article Topics: Access & OpportunitySome authors are good at telling stories. Some provide solid content adding to the knowledge base. -
March 01, 2017
Defying Standardization: Creating Curriculum for an Uncertain FutureType:Article Topics: Curriculum & AssessmentPublic schools across the United States are faced with seismic challenges. -
March 01, 2017
Secondary School Administrators’ Perceptions of Louisiana’s Compass System as a Framework for Teacher EvaluationType:Article Topics:Louisiana’s relatively new Compass teacher observation and evaluation system is used to evaluate teacher quality or effectiveness in P-12 public schools. -
March 01, 2017
Illinois Public School Superintendents: Influencing State-Level Education Legislation and Policy-Making In IllinoisType:Article Topics:Standards for superintendents of schools are clearly spelled out by The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) -
December 01, 2016
A Comparison of Higher-Order Thinking Between the Common Core State Standards and the 2009 New Jersey Content Standards in High SchoolType:Article Topics: Curriculum & AssessmentThe creators and supporters of the Common Core State Standards claim that the Standards require greater emphasis on higher-order thinking than previous state standards in mathematics and English language arts. -
December 01, 2016
Doctoral Research in Educational Leadership: Expectations for Those Thinking About An Advanced DegreeType:Article Topics: Leadership DevelopmentThe tallest hurdle in completing a doctoral degree is the dissertation, which continues to be the primary capstone experience for the degree. -
December 01, 2016
Problems with Percentiles: Student Growth Scores in New York’s Teacher Evaluation SystemType:Article Topics:New York State has used the Growth Model for Educator Evaluation ratings since the 2011-2012 school year. -
December 01, 2016
The Glass Maze and Predictors for Successful Navigation to the Top Seat to the SuperintendencyType:Article Topics:A predictive model of assistant superintendents willingness to become superintendent was created using three factors