Journal of Scholarship & Practice
AASA's refereed, blind-reviewed, quarterly journal with a focus on research and evidence-based practice that advance the profession of education administration.
Current Issue
2025 Winter Journal of Scholarship and Practice
Previous Issues
2021 Fall Journal of Scholarship and Practice
This issue offers evidence, interpretations, and recommendations for leaders who remain committed to leading districts to address injustice and inequity as part of their mission.
2021 Summer Journal of Scholarship and Practice
This issue examines how today's school leaders can adapt to the inevitable and constant turbulence to advance their work.
2021 Spring Journal of Scholarship and Practice
This issue examines the responsibility of leaders to intentionally foster healthy and equitable cultures and climates, especially approaching post-pandemic schooling.
2020 Winter Journal of Scholarship and Practice
This issue examines equity-focused leadership.
2020 Fall Journal of Scholarship and Practice
This issue examines the importance of the superintendent-principal partnership through teacher evaluation, technology implementation, student learning and school safety and security.
2020 Summer Journal of Scholarship and Practice
This issue deals with the concept of time and how critical it is in educating today’s students.
2020 Spring Journal of Scholarship and Practice
The focus of this volume examines the topics of assessment literacy, data assessment for school-wide improvement and the effectiveness of value-added measures (VAM).
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Editorial Review Board
Jessica Anspach, Montclair State University (N.J.)
Brandon Beck, Ossining Public Schools (N.Y.)
Gina Cinotti, Netcong Public Schools (N.J.)
Michael Cohen, Denver Public Schools (Colo.)
Betty Cox, University of Tennessee at Martin (Tenn.)
Vance Dalzin, Carthage College (Wis.)
Mary Lynne Derrington, University of Tennessee (Tenn.)
Ryan Fisk, East Rockaway Public Schools (N.Y.)
Denver J. Fowler, Southern Connecticut State University (Conn.)
Daniel Gutmore, Seton Hall University (N.J.)
Gregory Hauser, Roosevelt University (Ill.)
Steve Hernon, St. John’s University (N.Y.)
Zach Kelehear, Augusta University (Ga.)
Kevin Majewski, Seton Hall University (N.J.)
Joanne Marien, Manhattanville College (N.Y.)
Nelson Maylone, Eastern Michigan University (Mich)
Robert S. McCord, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Nev.)
Barbara McKeon, Broome Street Academy Charter High School (N.Y.)
Margaret “Terry” Orr, Fordham University (N.Y.)
Brian Osborne, Lehigh University (Penn.)
David J. Parks, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Va.)
Joseph Phillips, Manhattanville College (N.Y.)
Joseph Ricca, White Plains City School District (N.Y.)
Thomas C. Valesky, Florida Gulf Coast University (Fla.)
Charles Wheaton, Leadership Services, Granger (Wash.)