K-12 Leaders to Gather in San Antonio for AASA’s 2023 National Conference on Education

January 30, 2023


James Minichello



K-12 Leaders to Gather in San Antonio for AASA’s 2023 National Conference on Education
National Superintendent of the Year
®to Be Announced at February Event

Alexandria, Va. – January 30, 2023 – Thousands of superintendents and other district administrators from across the country are gathering at the 2023 National Conference on Education in San Antonio, Texas, Feb. 16-18, hosted by .

For generations, this in-depth, student-centered event has been catered toward public school system leaders so they can reconnect and network with peers in the industry while learning about important and relevant issues throughout the education landscape.

“At a time when superintendents and their teams are navigating their way past the pandemic, scores of school districts are lighting the path to create future-driven, equity-focused best practices to address the critical functions of leading, teaching and learning. I am looking forward to the rich conversations that will occur in San Antonio when these outstanding professionals share bold, outside-the-box strategies that others can learn from,” said Executive Director Daniel A. Domenech, who is retiring shortly following the conclusion of the conference.

“For the past 14-plus years, it has been an honor to serve our superintendents, the nation’s foremost thought leaders in public education, the foundation of our democracy. I am proud of the work they’re doing on behalf of the students they serve and will continue to support them in the years ahead,” added Domenech.  

Given the enormous emphasis on self-care, wellness and innovation, the conference is appropriately themed Live Well. Lead Well. after to improve the emotional health of district leaders, their teams, staff, students and families. For the second consecutive year, will host a Health & Wellness Center in the exhibit hall where conference goers can recharge and relax. There, attendees can also pet some dogs, take a brain break in a quiet pod, relax during a massage, burn some energy on the electric bike smoothie maker, make a snack at the build-your-own granola station and more.

Conference keynote speakers will include:

  • Alex Boyé, a multicultural, multigenerational global artist (Feb. 16)
  • Stephen Covey, leadership authority and author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Feb. 17)
  • Sue Szachowicz, senior fellow, educational consultant at the Successful Practices Network (Feb. 18)

On the first day of the conference, the 2023 National Superintendent of the Year® will be named. The four finalists, who were , are:

  • PJ Caposey, , Stillman Valley, Ill.
  • Matthew Hillmann, , Northfield, Minn.
  • Kevin McGowan, , Rochester, N.Y.
  • Trent North, , Douglasville, Ga.

VIDEO: On January 12, hosted a press briefing at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., featuring the four finalists. The panel was moderated by Education Week’s Caitlynn Peetz.  

In addition, the recipients of the 2023 Dr. Effie H. Jones Humanitarian Award will be honored.  This award recognizes leaders who exemplify the qualities modeled by the late Effie Hall Jones, an educator and former associate executive director. This year’s honorees are Avis Williams, superintendent, , and Brenda Elliott, office of school improvements and supports, with the . (Feb. 17)

will also recognize the recipients of its Women in School Leadership Award. This award pays tribute to the talent, creativity and vision of outstanding female educational administrators. Finalists in the superintendent category are Tiffany Anderson, Topeka (Kan.) Public Schools, and Monica Goldson, Prince George’s County (Md.) Public Schools. (Feb. 17)

For the ninth consecutive year, AASA’s ever-popular will be a major part of the program. What has become a staple at AASA’s annual gatherings, superintendents and other administrators will have the opportunity to enhance their communications skills to make their voices heard on important equity and inclusivity issues as well as bolster their communications with their communities. Conference participants are encouraged to engage with their peers online by using the hashtag  in their social media posts.

From start to finish, attendees and all other advocates of public education can follow what’s happening at the conference through AASA’s . The award-winning, multimedia publication, updated each day, will provide a comprehensive report on the conference proceedings, including coverage of key speakers, award winners and governance activities. Other key features include a Twitter feed and a conference blog that shares the experiences from four participating superintendents.

For more information about the 2023 National Conference on Education, visit the website.


, founded in 1865, is the professional organization for more than 13,000 educational leaders in the United States and throughout the world. AASA’s mission is to support and develop effective school system leaders who are dedicated to equitable access for all students to the highest quality public education. For more information, visit www.aasa.org.