Champions for Equity to Receive Humanitarian Award

January 13, 2023


James Minichello

Honorees Avis Williams and Brenda Elliott to be recognized at AASA’s 2023 National Conference on Education

Alexandria, Va. – Jan. 13, 2023 – , is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 Dr. Effie H. Jones Humanitarian Award, an annual recognition of education leaders committed to the advancement and mentorship of women and minorities, and/or addressing social justice issues among children and adults in schools.

Recipients of this prestigious award exemplify a professional and personal commitment to diversifying the field of education and ensuring the best education for all students.

Effie Award Winners
Brenda Elliott (left) and Avis Williams (right)

Avis Williams, superintendent, , and Brenda Elliott, chief, office of school improvements and supports with the , were selected for this award because they exemplify the qualities modeled by the late Dr. Effie Hall Jones, a school administrator, teacher, counselor and former associate executive director.

Williams and Elliott will be recognized at AASA’s 2023 , Feb. 17, in San Antonio, Texas, at an event co-hosted by the and the , and graciously sponsored by the .

“The key determinant behind whether or not the children of our country have access to a quality education begins and ends with the issue of equity, which is the centerpiece of this award,” said Daniel A. Domenech, executive director, AASA. “Dr. Jones was a transformer and a change agent in her relentless pursuit to foster equity, opportunity and inclusion for all students. She would have been proud of our honorees—Avis Williams and Brenda Elliott—two champions of equity and champions for children. Their unselfish devotion to the students and communities they serve has been nothing short of outstanding.”

Williams joined NOLA Public Schools in March 2022. She is the first woman to be permanently appointed to the role. Her core values are equity, excellence and joy, and she is known for her ability to drive innovation while improving organization culture and climate. An award-winning educator and sought-after speaker, she is a native of Salisbury, N.C. A product of poverty, Williams dreamed of becoming a teacher from an early age. As a first-generation, four-year college student, she followed the path of her older siblings and joined the U.S. Army right after high school.

Prior to her historic appointment to lead NOLA Public Schools, Williams served as superintendent of Selma City Schools in Selma, Ala., where she championed equity by prioritizing mental health and establishing a social justice academy. Williams is among the fourth cohort of Urban Academy/Howard University Cohort graduates and the National Superintendent Certification Program®.

Elliott has nearly 30 years of experience as a public school educator and has been recognized for closing racial achievement gaps as a principal, as well as implementing districtwide programs to address the school-to-prison pipeline. In 2017, she was hired as DCPS’ first chief of equity. During her tenure, Elliott has led the development of the district’s equity framework and created the infrastructure to provide equity training for more than 3,000 DCPS employees.

Elliott was an inaugural member of the Equity Cohort, which published a case study based on the tremendous equity work she is leading in DCPS. Elliott currently serves as an adjunct professor at American University’s Antiracist Administration, Supervision and Leadership graduate certificate program, and is helping to support our next generation of antiracist education leaders.

For questions about the award, contact Ashley Dawson at or visit the website.


About AASA
AASA, , founded in 1865, is the professional organization for more than 13,000 educational leaders in the United States and throughout the world. AASA’s mission is to support and develop effective school system leaders who are dedicated to equitable access for all students to the highest quality public education. For more information, visit