School Safety and Crisis Planning Toolkit

Type: Toolkit
Topics: Communications & Public Relations, Health & Wellness, School Safety & Cybersecurity

May 18, 2023

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蹤獲厙School Safety and Crisis Planning Toolkit for proactive best practices before, during and after a crisis

The School Safety and Crisis Planning toolkit, comprised of continually-updated online resources to assist school district leaders, addresses the critical issues of mental health, cybersecurity and physical safety. 蹤獲厙also offers a 24-hour crisis hotline service to all 蹤獲厙members.

Immediate and Aftermath of a School/Community Crisis

The intent and design of this toolkit is to provide a checklist of necessary procedures before, during and after a crisis that is easily accessible by school leaders and designed specifically for school superintendents. School superintendents are encouraged to share their findings with key stakeholders in their districts. In addition, school superintendents are further encouraged to share their opinions on this toolkit with the 蹤獲厙Executive Leadership Team as this toolkit will always be presented as a work in progress.

Before During After

What I need to know and do as the districts superintendent pertaining to security and safety best practice:

  1. Have I cultivated a strong relationship built on mutual respect with the local safety officials (police chief) and do we meet regularly to discuss safety?
  2. Do I have in place a detailed safety and security plan that is easily understood by all stakeholders?
  3. Do I have in place an identified staff member or a technology platform which will broadcast all needed information to the school community and the community-at-large pertaining to a crisis?
  4. Do I attend district safety committee meetings to show my unyielding support for the work?
  5. Am I comfortable with the safety and security plan if my district was in a crisis?
  6. Can I assure the local school board that every staff member (including new staff) understands our safety plan before they are with children?
  7. If I was out-of-district during a school emergency have I mentored or met with the key staff member who would represent my work in the midst of a tragedy?
  8. As needed, do I meet with my school board (minimum three times per year) in executive session to address school safety and security?
  9. Have I examined existing resources to reallocate assignments to meet the needs of todays safety and security most complex issues?
  10. Do I meet with district mental health providers to collaborate and to have strategies in place for our most complex students who bring with them safety concerns to the district?

What I need to do in the midst of chaos:

  1. Proximity - Where is the best place for me to be to lead?
  2. Messaging Can I use my already prepared messages from our districts messaging bank to be proactive with communication?
  3. Empowerment Have I scanned the crisis for gaps in our plan, and if need be, fill those gaps with staff members embedded within my trust circle?
  4. Composure Do I have the ability to remain composed or do I delegate the point person to a designee?
  5. Duration Am I able to stay at point for the duration of the crisis, and if not, how do I need to prepare and transition information to my designee?
  6. Reunification Do all stakeholders have the same understanding for the parent reconnect?  If I am not at the site have I designated a point person?
  7. Student and Staff Most Impacted by the Tragedy Are my messages a balance of compassion and filled only with accurate information?
  8. School Board Have I or my designee sent a message to the school board chair that there is a highly complex situation evolving in the district and information will be forthcoming as soon as the issue settles?
  9. Incident Command Center Do I have all that I need from the ICC, and if not, how do I ascertain the information as quickly as possible?
  10. Personal Have I kept my immediate family informed of the crisis and have I been able to honestly assure them of my own personal safety?

What I need to do in the aftermath of a tragedy:

  1. Self-Regulating - If you are taking care of everyone, who is taking care of you?
  2. Press Conference and Communication Who should attend, and should there be a joint message from police and school?
  3. Families of Loss (if applicable) - Have I designated a point person to serve as a direct connect to the most impacted families and my office?
  4. Return to School Have I consulted union presidents before finalizing my return-to-school broadcast?
  5. Debrief Have I sat with all who were in the front line of the tragedy to better understand the why and to fully understand lessons learned?
  6. Support - Am I able to be present on site (out of my office) to appropriately support staff?
  7. Tragedy Roll-out - Do I take full ownership of the issue and if so, how?
  8. Human Resources Have I met with the Human Resource department to fully understand the appropriate message to all impacted staff pertaining to need and return-to-work?
  9. Daily District Ritual As the superintendent, I am spending nearly every minute of the work day navigating the tragedy; therefore, have I appropriately assigned and empowered a school leader to run the teaching and learning aspects of the school day?
  10. Sustainability and Recovery Have I begun to think about who needs to be around the table when we address the inherent recovery and rebuild of the district?

Resources and Guidance for Administrators and Crisis Teams

Physical Safety

Violence Prevention & Preparedness


  •  (2016 | Source: National Association of School Psychologists)
  •  (2016 | Source: National Association of School Psychologists)
  •  (Source: National School Public Relations Association member-only resource)

Crisis Response

  •  (2020 | Source: National Association of School Psychologists)
  •  (2018 | Source: National Association of School Psychologists)
  •  (Source: National Association of School Psychologists member-only resource)
  •  (2018 | Source: National Association of School Psychologists)
  •  (Source: National Association of School Psychologists)
  • School Administrator: The Opioid Crisis Hits Home (2017 | Source: AASA)
  •  (2015 | Source: National Association of School Psychologists)
  •  (2013 | Source: AASA)
  •  (2000 | Source: American School Counselor Association)

Legal Considerations

  •  (2021 | Source: National School Boards Association)
  •  (2020 | Source: National School Boards Association)
  • (2020 | Source: National School Boards Association)
  •  (2018 | Source: National School Boards Association)
Mental Health

Suicide Prevention

  •  (2020 | Source: National Association of School Psychologists)
  •  (2020| Source: National Association of School Psychologists)
  •  (2019 | Source: National Association of School Psychologists)
  •  (2015 | Source: National Association of School Psychologists)
  •  (2015 | Source: National Association of School Psychologists)
  •  (2015 | Source: National Association of School Psychologists)



Mental Health/Wellness

Care for the Caregiver

View all 蹤獲厙Health & Wellness Resources


We are grateful for the continued support provided by our partners in this important initiative:

American School Counselor AssociationAssociation of School Business Officials InternationalNational Association of School Psychologists
National School Boards AssociationNSPRAAASA, 蹤獲厙

蹤獲厙Crisis Hotline

Have a safety concern? Recently experienced a crisis situation in your school or district?

Dial 520-565-4111 to access the 蹤獲厙Crisis Hotline.

Janet Robinson, former superintendent

The hotline is managed by Janet Robinson, a former member of the 蹤獲厙Governing Board and retired superintendent who led Newtown Public School District (Conn.) during the Sandy Hook crisis.


View All School Safety Resources

The horrific school shootings we continue to hear about have created a turning point toward the issue of school safety. All children have the right to live and learn in a safe environment. As the nations largest organization representing the leaders of our public schools, we felt it was our responsibility to create a digital safety solution package, specifically tailored for 蹤獲厙members as well as non-member superintendents in their plight against the gun violence that continues to threaten our schools and students.
Dan Domenech

Former Executive Director, AASA, 蹤獲厙

Dan Domenech, executive director of AASA, 蹤獲厙, poses for a headshot
NSPRA is proud to partner with 蹤獲厙and provide the necessary resources in our efforts to help ensure the safety of our schools and most importantly, our students. We know that speed and accuracy are critical components in any crisis situation for well trained school safety and crisis teams. Their plans should be reviewed and practiced on a regular basis.
Barbara M. Hunter, APR

Executive Director, National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA)

Barbara Hunter, executive director of NSPRA, poses for a headshot
Everyone has the responsibility to provide a safe and healthy learning environment, whether you are a school district leader, administrator, teacher, parent, student, or other member of the community. Together, we can foster positive and inclusive environments, provide effective social-emotional care and mental health programs, improve critical safety technologies, and enhance risk-management processes to address whatever crises may come our way. ASBO International is proud to do its part by providing tools that districts need to help our children learn, grow, and thrive.
David Lewis

Executive Director, Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO)

David Lewis, executive director of ASBO, poses for a headshot
School districts must be prepared in order to ensure on-going school safety and respond appropriately when a crisis does occur. Key elements include balancing physical and psychological safety, establishing an appropriately trained school crisis team, addressing the mental health needs of students and staff, and having access to succinct, evidence-based information. School district leaders will find AASAs toolkit a valuable resource in helping to guide these efforts. School psychologists are critical members of school safety and crisis teams, and NASP is pleased to contribute some of our expert resources to the School Safety and Crisis Planning toolkit to support effective prevention, response, and recovery.
Kathleen Minke

Executive Director, National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

Kathleen Minke, executive director of NASP, poses for a headshot
In school crisis situations, its imperative that resources are readily available to help school staff, educators and administrators make important decisions. ASCA is dedicated to working with partner organizations to provide information and tools to help these leaders make sound decisions related to the care of their school communities.
Jill Cook

Executive Director, American School Counselor Association (ASCA)

Jill Cook



