February 2019: School Administrator


Additional Articles


Editor's Note

Optimism & Other Insights

ONE OF THE NEWER sections in our magazine is the State of the Superintendency, an infographic that sheds statistical light on various facets of school system leadership. This month’s installment shares superintendents’ optimism about the future of their own districts compared to schooling nationwide.

The data that fuel the infographic each month come from surveys conducted by AASA’s public policy department, AASA’s state affiliates and the Gallup organization, which since 2013 has been surveying superintendents annually.

Our magazine’s principal designer, David Fox of Auras Design in Silver Spring, Md., finds imaginative ways to display the comparative data in various formats. His efforts to bring alive mundane statistics has enabled the State of the Superintendency to become one of our magazine’s most avidly followed sections. In our comprehensive readership study last summer, it ranked third among 19 sections with 58 percent of respondents saying they read it regularly.

We’d love to know what you derive from the data.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

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