June 2021: School Administrator

School Administrator Cover June 2021: Self-Care and Wellness
Self-Care and Wellness

How superintendents can take care of themselves, their staff and their students coming out of a far-reaching pandemic. Includes articles on daily affirmations for personal stress reduction, giving ourselves and our colleagues permission to feel and more.


Additional Articles


Editor's Note

Bookend Coverage

We began the 2020-21 publishing year in our magazine last August with a cover story titled “Operating in a VUCA World,” where we first explored the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity characterizing school operations amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

Fittingly perhaps, we’re closing out the school year with attention to the physical and mental wellness of those who’ve been shepherding school systems through an epic 15-month crisis that continues.

We were particularly drawn to the personal pursuits undertaken over the past year by superintendents as coping mechanisms (and humorously portrayed by illustrator David Clark on our front cover). In “Daily Affirmations for Personal Stress Reduction," you’ll read about the avocations and daily routines described by four members. In “Soul Care for the Superintendency,” Paul Imhoff, superintendent in Upper Arlington, Ohio, and AASA’s incoming president, lends a three-part prescription to his colleagues for attending to their own needs. Sadly, many have chosen this moment to leave the profession. Our expanded Transitions list illustrates the toll.

Finally, don’t overlook an unusual interview subject for our Thought Leadership Series this month. It’s Joy Harjo, the U.S. poet laureate and the first Native American to hold the prestigious post. Her depictions of the arts and language in education and the power of dedicated educators — captured during questioning by former superintendent Maria Ott — ought to resonate for many readers.
Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

Awards of Excellence

The National School Public Relations Association awarded School Administrator magazine with the Award of Excellence in the video category, the top recognition level, for the magazine's June 2021 Extras video.
Extras Video

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