October 2020: School Administrator

Additional Articles
What Can Educators Expect When Students Return to School?
Researchers studied how administrators at the school and district levels dealt with the recovery process of recent natural disasters.
The Essential Role of Relationships and Emotional Life
What should matter most in schooling isn’t the narrow focus on standardized tests data
Setting Constructive Rebellion in Motion
Amidst a pandemic and a social justice movement, school leaders have an opportunity to prepare for the aftermath of tumult
Conversing About Race and Equity
Infographics on how prepared superintendents feel in leading public conversations.
A Ticking Clock on Attire
Should a concerned administrator go to a 9th-grader’s counselor about a TikTok video of her dancing in revealing clothes?
Data Can Strengthen Your Connections
Monitoring a district’s social media platforms for community engagement.
A Workforce With Gender-Fluid Staff
Balancing personal rights of a nonbinary teacher alongside schoolwide order.
Should We or Shouldn’t We Serve?
When is it fitting for a former superintendent to join the school board as a member?
I’m Not Accepting This ‘New Normal’
A rural superintendent longs for renewing connections that have disappeared during the pandemic.
That Churning Sound? It’s Coming From Principals
The disruptive effects of high principal turnover and thoughts on how to stem it.
Shortchanged Proficiency in School Finance
Financial know-how can be a major determinant on a superintendent’s tenure.
The Central Role in Transformation
THE IMPORTANCE OF CENTRAL-OFFICE leadership never has been more apparent.
Challenges to Some Long-Running Traditions
Adaptations of teaching and learning in a remote environment.
Youthful Energy Applied in Chattanooga
Applying youthful energy in leading Chattanooga’s schools.
Thoughtful Conversations With Prominent Authors
In this month's issue, we launch School Administrator’s Thought Leadership Series, consisting of focused, hour-long conversations between prominent book authors in the organizational
leadership field and superintendents, both active and retired.
Leading off is Daniel Pink, bestselling author most recently of When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, a work with sure relevancy to the school leadership
realm. During an interview conducted by Jill Siler, superintendent in Gunter, Texas, Pink shares his thinking on the essential nature of timing in our words and deeds, notably in the midst of a disabling public health crisis.
We hope
to extend the Thought Leadership Series through the 2020-21 academic year. The next scheduled author conversations involve Dan Heath, interviewed by Joe Sanfelippo, superintendent in Fall Creek, Wis., and John Kotter, interviewed by Larry Nyland, retired
superintendent of the Seattle Public Schools. (We’d welcome future participation by others, especially if you have in mind a book author whose ideas resonate in educational leadership.)
Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator