Data Can Strengthen Your Connections

Type: Article
Topics: School Administrator Magazine, Technology & AI

October 01, 2020

Social Media

DATA ALLOW US to measure more than academic success in our classrooms. It also allows us to measure how we engage with our students, parents, teachers and community on social media.

Monitoring data behind our various social platforms shows us who we’re connecting with, where we’re connecting with them, when we’re connecting and what content they’re engaging with. We can take this data to build our brand and improve our relationships, resulting in a community that feels a deep sense of connection to and pride for their school district.

Over the last two years in Community High School District 155, located 45 miles northwest of Chicago, we have significantly increased our followers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram after spending time researching our audience and strategically creating content to engage those particular stakeholders.

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Shannon Podzimek

Director of Communications

Community High School District 155 (Ill.)



