October 2023: School Administrator


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Editor's Note

Our Entre into AI Literacy

We admittedly did not set out to address artificial intelligence when we began planning the content for this month’s issue of the magazine early in the calendar year. (The original theme was “Connecting to the Outside World.”) With the latest version of the ChatGPT chatbot having been released publicly only a few months prior, the subject was just beginning to make ripples through the K-12 education community.

Those ripples are now ferocious waves, and educators everywhere are thirsting (not unlike editors of education publications) to discover more about AI’s place in teaching and learning and all other facets of school district operations.

At School Administrator, we intentionally chose our entre into this subject a bit gingerly with two feature-length articles. One attends to how a school community might follow a formal decision-making process for the uneasy questions being raised about AI use. The other, co-authored by veteran superintendent Quintin Shepherd, lends an overview of the challenges and opportunities he and his colleagues in the field can expect to address soon.

The debate over embracing or eschewing new AI technologies will extend well past the classroom, of course, and keeping up with the latest artificial intelligence developments will remain a major need for us and for those of you leading educational institutions.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

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