May 2021: School Administrator

Additional Articles
The Making of a Homegrown Assessment System
A Kentucky district puts to the test its students’ exhibitions of learning and expected skills.
A Demonstration of Creative Pandemic-Fueled Learning
Addressing the elephant in the room as part of instruction.
Are Your Grading Policies Legally Sound?
When student grades are challenged by parents, how can you avoid your day in court?
Lifting Employee Performance: A Conversation with Marcus Buckingham
Marcus Buckingham says measuring employees’ performance based on the number of goals they achieve is misguided and unproductive.
Community Concurrence
How leaders compare concerns from the minority community with those of parents in the majority.
A New Board’s Hard Right Turn
Should a superintendent adopt the new school board’s hardball tactics for dealing with teachers on accountability?
Mounting Litigation on Disabilities Issues
Circumventing legal complaints by parents of students with disabilities during remote instruction.
Efficient Management of the Board Meeting
Maximizing the productivity of your school board meetings.
Role Modeling for Black Female Leaders
Using the power of social media to forge connections among superintendents in limited circles.
The Paradox of ‘Nice White Parents’
In her reaction to a prominent podcast, a former superintendent opines on leading for equity as a white educator.
Discovering My ‘True North’
A school leader’s journey of self-discovery in uncovering what truly motivates her.
Messaging During the Recess of COVID-19
Principles for compelling communication about the aftereffects of a public health crisis.
When Choosing an Architect
Capital projects in schools demand expertise in the education arena.
Rethinking Student Assessment
AS WE NAVIGATE the effects of the public health crisis, education leaders must continue to learn from each other.
A Reassessment of How We’re Measuring Students
Focusing standardized testing primarily on reading and math precludes attention to other key skills.
Erasing the Woes From His Legal Pads
An ÂÜÀòÍømember profile on Khalid Mumin, superintendent, Reading School District, Reading, Pa. featured in the May 2021 issue of School Administrator.
Editor's Note
Assessing Better Testing
During the couple of months leading up to this month’s issue, student assessment commanded prominent attention in the education news generated out of Washington. That was owing to the U.S. Department of Education’s decision to require students be tested in 2021.
The mandated assessments, managed by state education agencies, won’t be used for accountability purposes, which perhaps opens the door to new thinking at the district level about how to more effectively measure student performance going forward. The story lineup here ought to spark some creative ideation along those lines.
The contributors include Thomas Guskey, a veteran author on testing and assessment; Matt Townsley, author of Making Grades Better; Justin Wells, a California-based consultant who addresses the use of portfolios and students’ public defenses of their learning; and Susan Dugle, chief academic officer in Shelby County, Ky., which devised its own take on assessment.
The May issue also carries a conversation between book author Marcus Buckingham, management strategist with a following in the school leadership ranks, and Howard Carlson, executive administrator of the Greater Phoenix Educational Management Council and a former superintendent. It’s the sixth installment in our Thought Leadership Series, which began last October.
Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator
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