Reliable Data from a Rite of Passage

Type: Article
Topics: Curriculum & Assessment, School Administrator Magazine

May 01, 2021

How a performance assessment system known as portfolio defense challenges learners and informs teachers in ways traditional testing does not
Presentation Drawing

Let’s recall what happened to our education system back in March 2020, even though it already feels like a lifetime ago.

As the first outbreak of COVID-19 swept across the country, two pillars of public schooling in America — seat time and testing — crumbled almost instantly. Classrooms were closed and state testing was canceled. In California, where I live, parent and work as an educator, this all happened in less than 100 hours. In the months that followed, the vast majority of students in America were thrust into some degree of educational chaos.

Not so for Yulianna Estrada, a senior at the STEM Academy of Boyle Heights, part of the Los Angeles Unified School District. Before the pandemic hit, she already had been assembling a portfolio of her work that demonstrated what she had learned in high school and why she was ready to move on. She already had a date on the calendar when she was scheduled to defend her portfolio before a panel, which is a graduation requirement at her school.

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Justin Wells

Executive Director

Envision Learning Partners (Calif.)

What Does a Defense of Learning Look Like?

The best way to understand the power of the portfolio defense concept is to witness one live. In the meantime, here are a few videos that offer helpful glimpses into the practice.

  •  A Jefferson County, Ky., 5th-grade student defends his learning during the pandemic.
  •  Kindergartner Trinity shares her academic progress, supported by evidence from her portfolio. From EL Education.
  •  Short clips of different defenses from one year at Envision Schools. A good primer.
  •  A Teaching Channel video that follows one student’s journey through the process.
Kindergarten Student Led Conference
A kindergarten pupil leads a parent conference at a school in Kansas City, Kan. PHOTO BY THAI CHU, COURTESY OF ALIVE BY SHOOTING PHOTOGRAPHY



