Excitement About District's Future
February 01, 2019
State of the Superintendency

Superintendents remain enthusiastic about the future of their school district, but they are much less excited about the future of public education in the U.S., according to Gallup’s 2018 survey of superintendents nationwide.
percent of superintendents strongly agree or agree they are excited about the future of their own district, with 53 percent strongly agreeing. These percentages are consistent with results from prior superintendent surveys.
However, level
of excitement is based on district size and location. Sixty-five percent of superintendents in cities, 53 percent of those in suburbs, 55 percent of those in towns and 48 percent of those in rural areas strongly agree they are excited about the future
of their district.
“The Gallup 2018 Survey of K-12 School District Superintendents”