Clear and Agreed-Upon Written Operating Protocols

Type: Article
Topics: Board Relations, School Administrator Magazine

October 02, 2023


Forming, norming, storming and performing describes a time-tested model for group development.

At the forming stage, new members join without common expectations or goals. If new members are not brought in with an almost immediate opportunity to clarify expectations and explore shared goals, often the group goes right past norming and straight to storming. This is certainly the case with many school boards. It is not typical for school boards to have an intentional process to assimilate new members to the team. However, that is a mistake that can be avoided.

This also can be true for new superintendents joining a governance team. Savvy superintendents ensure the board makes time to clarify expectations and establish mutually developed and agreed-upon goals whenever there is a new team member, especially when there is a new superintendent.

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Phil Gore

Chief learning officer

Idaho School Boards Association, Boise, Idaho



