USDA Extends Numerous Waivers for Summer 2022

July 07, 2022

Under the authority granted by the Keep Kids Fed Act, USDA  six waivers for Summer 2022. These waivers are for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) Programs only and are effective immediately for states that choose to adopt them.

  • Area Eligibility—Allows states to waive the requirement in the SFSP and SSO that "open site" meal service is limited to areas with at least half of the children in the area are low-income households.
  • Area Eligibility for Closed Enrolled Sites—Waives the requirement that closed enrolled sites collect income eligibility applications to determine eligibility.
  • SFSP Reimbursements Rates for SSO—Allows school food authorities to receive the SFSP reimbursement rate for meals and snacks provided under the SSO program
  • Non-Congregate Feeding—Allows meals to be provided outside of a congregate feeding setting. Meals can be distributed at a site where families pick up the meals, as well as be delivered to children’s homes.
  • Parent Pick-Up—Allows a parent or guardian to pick up meals to take home to children.
  • Meal Service Time Restrictions—Provides flexibility to the meal service time requirements by allowing meals to be served outside of the standard meal times.

For school year 2022-23, USDA has extended the Fiscal Action Flexibility for Meal Pattern Violations Related to COVID-19 Supply Chain Disruptions Waiver through June 30, 2023. This waiver ensures that schools are not held financially responsible for missing food components or other meal pattern requirement violations that occurred due to the supply chain disruptions. This waiver is critical as districts continue to face significant challenges due to the supply chain such as unreliable deliveries and last-minute substitutes.