AIR Results: National Survey of Public Education’s Response to COVID-19

October 18, 2021

July 1, 2021

Earlier this spring, was pleased to partner with the American Institutes for Research in the . Over the course of 2020, they asked school district and charter management organization leaders to respond to a nationally representative survey of school districts and charter management organizations—more than 2,500 in total—about the actions they have taken and the challenges they have encountered during the COVID-19-related school closures. The 2020 survey addressed how school districts and charter management organizations coped with issues related to school closures, including the timing of school closures due to COVID-19; distance learning approaches and challenges; supporting students with disabilities and English learners; district policies and requirements, such as grading and graduation; staffing and human resources; and health, well-being, and safety.

In 2021, they administered a survey focused on instructional approaches, student engagement and participation, supports for student learning, and priorities and challenges. They followed up with interviews with school district administrators on a variety of topics including the virtual options available for next school year, methods to alleviate staff shortages and teacher burnout, assessing the extent of and mitigating “loss in expected learning,” meeting the needs of students with disabilities and English language learners, providing social emotional support for students and teachers, and actions taken to ensure equity and social justice for families in the community.

The results of that work were released throughout the year, and the --an infographic and three research briefs--were released just this week. You can access them directly here:


  • Infographic: Schooling During 2020–21: Results from the National Survey of Public Education’s Response to COVID-19 ()
  • District Approaches to Instruction in 2020-2021: Differences in Instructional Modes and Instruction Time Across Contexts ()
  • Student Attendance and Enrollment Loss in 2020-2021 ()
  • District Concerns About Academic Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic ()