Urge Your Congress Members to Support Funding to Continue Forest Counties Program

October 18, 2021

September 28, 2021

This week, the House is set to vote on an infrastructure package that includes a three-year extension for the Secure Rural Schools/Forest Counties Program (SRS). Please contact your House members to ask them to vote yes on the bill.

Background: The House has scheduled a vote Thursday on the Senate passed bipartisan infrastructure bill which includes the 3 year SRS extension.  The Infrastructure bill with the SRS extension has already been passed by the Senate. House passage will send the bill to the White House for signature by the President.   The House vote on the Infrastructure bill on Thursday is being complicated by political issues connected to the Continuing Resolution and the Reconciliation bill described below.  There is a possibility the vote may be delayed as the House leadership works to make sure they have the votes to pass it.  There should be some Republican votes for the Infrastructure bill just as there were when the bill passed the Senate. 

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