Dept of Ed Opens Fiscal Year 2023 Full-Service Community School Competition
June 12, 2023
The Department of Education's federal is officially live. The Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) program supports the planning, implementation, and operation of high-quality Full-Service Community Schools. FSCS are public elementary or secondary schools that use established partnerships to provide well-rounded educational opportunities and meet the social, emotional, physical and mental health, and academic needs of students.
Similar to last year’s competition, this year’s includes Absolute Priorities (APs) for: AP 1—applicants who propose to serve two or more Title IA schoolwide program eligible schools; and (2) applicants in small and rural or rural and low-income districts who are also Title IA schoolwide program eligible. After choosing one of these first two APs, potential applicants can then choose to apply under AP 3—which supports Capacity Building and Development Grants; AP 4—which supports Multi-Local Educational Agency Grants; or AP 5—which supports State Scaling Grants. Overall, these APs provide opportunities for applicants to start new FSCS, expand existing FSCS initiatives, or scale successful FSCS approaches at the state level.
Potential grantees are encouraged to submit a by July 7 and have until August 8 to transmit their applications. You can find more information about the $73.8 million FY 2023 FSCS Grant Competition on the Department's , in this , and in the throughout this week (first one will be for Multi-Local Educational Agency Grants tomorrow, June 13 at 2 p.m. ET).
Potential grantees are encouraged to submit a by July 7 and have until August 8 to transmit their applications. You can find more information about the $73.8 million FY 2023 FSCS Grant Competition on the Department's , in this , and in the throughout this week (first one will be for Multi-Local Educational Agency Grants tomorrow, June 13 at 2 p.m. ET).