CDC Releases New Guidance and FAQs for K-12 and Overnight Camps

May 27, 2022

Today, the CDC released updated . Additionally, CDC released , and the . 

The operational guidance can help K-12 school and ECE program administrators support safe, in-person learning for K-12 schools, and keep ECE programs open, while managing the spread of COVID-19. Based on the , this guidance provides flexibility so schools and ECE programs can adapt to changing local situations, including periods of increased community health impacts from COVID-19. 

The updated K-12 schools and early care and education (ECE) guidance includes recommendations for prevention strategies for everyday operations as well as COVID-19 specific prevention strategies to add based on the COVID-19 Community Level or when experiencing an outbreak in the school or ECE program. The updated guidance also includes considerations to inform decisions about when to add or remove prevention strategies, and which ones to prioritize.