Cardona Issues New Guidance on Prioritizing Dual Enrollment, Apprenticeships, with ARP Funds
November 14, 2022
The U.S. Department of Education released that encourages schools to use unspent COVID relief money to expand various career options for students: dual enrollment programs, college advising, registered apprenticeships and industry-based credentials. The guidance reminds districts that they can use ESSER funds to expand access to and participation in dual enrollment, particularly for those students who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes using ESSER funding for tuition assistance and stipends to teachers, so that they can complete the education and training required to meet postsecondary credentialing requirements for teaching dual enrollment course. In addition, LEAs can use ESSER funds to facilitate participation in work-based learning by paying for student transportation or other costs associated with worksite placements, such as tools and uniforms as well as hiring work-based learning coordinators. The guidance contains examples of how districts are utilizing ESSER funds for these purposes.