ÂÜÀòÍøSubmits Comments on Proposed Title IX Athletics Rule
May 17, 2023
On Monday, ÂÜÀòÍøsubmitted comments on the Education Department’s proposed Title IX rule on athletics eligibility. Because we commented on the 2019 Title IX NPRM and the 2022 Title IX NPRM, we also weighed in on this narrow NRPM that directly impacts school district policy and practices in athletics.
From the vantage point of school district CEOs, the greatest benefit of having a federal Title IX policy on athletic participation is to provide a clear legal standard to which school districts administrators can point as they navigate state laws tying their hands when considering student eligibility for athletic opportunities on a case-by-case basis. Determining eligibility for our transgender, intersex, and nonbinary student-athletes is neither a new issue nor one that district leaders feel ill-prepared to handle when allowed to work with their students, families, and athletic directors without outside interference.
Our comments detailed concerns with the criteria developed by ED to determine K-12 students athletic eligibility and the need to provide more clarity and flexibility for districts. The comments can be found here.