ÂÜÀòÍøand CCSSO Press ED For Guidance on ESSER Late Liquidation Process

July 26, 2022

On July 22, AASA, the Council of Chief State School Officers and ten other national organizations,  sent a letter to Secretary Cardona confirming late liquidation guidance for ESSER funding that the Department , and to propose some additional clarifications and considerations. Specifically, the letter seeks clarification that the late liquidation would apply not only agreements related to school infrastructure projects, but also service agreements and licensing agreements that support COVID recovery, such as tutoring programs, summer school, professional learning, and online instructional materials.

It also seeks clarity around the liquidation extension timeline and requests that ED extend the liquidation extension period to December 31, 2026, so districts and states can use funds through the end of the 2025-2026 school year. Finally, we ask the Department to consider a process by which liquidation extension requests can be granted in a timely manner, given the extraordinary burden on districts, states, and the Department that reviewing requests on a case-by-case basis would present.