September 2018: School Administrator

School Infrastructure
This issue focuses on Social-Emotional Learning and School Climate
Additional Articles
What We've Learned About Implementing Social-Emotional Learning
'No other initiative ... in my four districts was better received or more enthusiastically implemented'
Rethinking Discipline
Four district leaders find culture shifts challenging yet key to reducing student suspensions
Paths to the Top Job
The most common steppingstones to the superintendency.
Football Fireworks
A veteran board member insists on shooting off fireworks at the start of each high school football season, a violation of state law that fellow board members ignore. Should the new superintendent of the small, rural district intervene?
No Reason to Fear an Online Evaluation
As online superintendent performance instruments become widely available, school boards may find it an appealing way to wage a job review.
Introducing Dewey to Digital Learning
WHEN THE AUTOMOBILE was first introduced in the U.S., several state legislatures enacted the Red Flag Law. These laws required that self-propelled vehicles be led by pedestrians waving a red flag to warn bystanders of an automated vehicle’s approach. The laws were designed to protect citizens and livestock from a new technology that moved faster and more powerfully than anything people had ever experienced.
Have We Outgrown Hand-Me-Down Hiring Practices?
I have yet to meet an administrator who would challenge the expression “Hiring good people is the most important thing we do.”
Students and Victim Mentality
CONNOR WALKED INTO the kitchen where his mother was making supper. She turned from the stove and looked at him with frustration.
Big Rocks and Leadership
THE CONCEPT OF leading yourself before leading others always has resonated with me. Leading yourself means seeing yourself clearly, having a clear set of goals and standards — a clear direction for yourself that allows you to focus on what’s important in your life.
The Message of an Unforgettable Day
Recounting acts of leadership on Sept. 11 from 17 years ago.
SEL's Results in Cleveland and Austin
n Cleveland, Ohio, a districtwide social-emotional learning program was created in 2007 in the wake of a school-based tragedy.
A Superintendent's Crusade for Reducing a Big City's Suspensions
When John Deasy learned that 49,000 students were suspended each year in the Los Angeles Unified School District, he was startled and alarmed.
Resources on Discipline Reform
Every day in high school classes nationwide, a student who is struggling academically decides, in a moment of immaturity and frustration, to act out and disrupt the entire classroom.
Recording Video and Audio at Schools
The challenges presented by the proliferation of recording devices in schools. Who holds the authority over use?
Keeping Up With New Tools in Your Policies
The ubiquitous use of private messaging demands school district employees receive guidance because of the inherent risks.
Editor's Note
A Mix of Practical and ResearchSchool Administrator, September 2018
In the pages that follow, we offer a rich mix that combines research-related content from the likes of two prominent national figures, and , along with the practical considerations of two school districts. The contributors from the latter vantage point are and , superintendents in Washoe County, Nev., and Andover, Mass., respectively.
Finally, this month’s issue also looks at a few school districts that are in hopes of significantly cutting into the suspensions of students of color. An accompanying article by Bryan Joffe discusses the role of AASA in .
As always, we welcome hearing from our readers about these articles. Because it won’t be the last time we deal with social and emotional learning, we’re especially eager to receive suggestions for our next round of coverage.
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