November 2020: School Administrator

Additional Articles
Mastering the Screen Share While Conducting a Superintendent Search
Executive search consultants navigate the virtual world during the pandemic
Counseling New Leaders for the Unseen and Uncertain
Advice for new school superintendents navigating the COVID-19 pandemic
Vigilance During the Superintendent Search
Candidates for top school system posts have much to consider to ensure the next job is the right job
Failing at Retirement
A superintendent’s story of how faith drew her back into a leadership mission for which she was uniquely qualified
From Superintendent to Professor
When the next likely career move leads to higher education, superintendents will want to do so with eyes wide open
In Your Transition, Leadership Experience Counts Mostly in the Classroom
A former superintendent feels a disconnect between 32 years of teaching and administrative experience in K-12 schooling and the first-year tenure-track assistant professorship.
Administrative Know-how Plays Bigger Role as Professors
Clinical faculty members are much more likely than tenure-track professors to consider their primary responsibilities to be teaching and advising students and engaging in field-based activities.
Repeat Your Career Choice?
Would superintendents make the same career decision if they could retrace their steps?
Grading on the Health Curve
Should a school district adjust grading during the pandemic for equity purposes even if it hurts college applicants?
Who Pays When the Superintendent Needs Legal Counsel?
At times, superintendents need independent lawyer advice — but at whose cost?
Your Board’s First Teacher, Nurturer and Guide
Educating your school board members on the rationale behind decisions is a smart move for superintendents.
A Bronze Bullet We Already Have: School Libraries
A different way to think of the role of the school librarian.
Leading With Care and Compassion in Crisis Moments
The author’s lesson is drawn from her own abrupt job reassignment.
When To Communicate Publicly or Keep Quiet
Determining when it’s better to share information for transparency despite the momentary discomfort.
Fulfilling My Responsibility
EIGHT YEARS AGO, I phoned my mentor, eager to share the great news: I was a superintendent.
A Job They Weren’t Overtly Seeking
The pathway to the superintendency, satisfying yet also perilous.
An Imaginative Thinker for Creative Schools
A Long Island superintendent demonstrates creative thinking in school solutions.
Talent Transfers
It wouldn't surprise anyone working in K-12 education if the superintendency sustained a larger than usual exodus of talent at the end of 2020-21. Always a pressure cooker, the job has taken on extraordinary public
stresses in the coronavirus age, full of uncertainties, ambiguities and emotional demands.
Several states with large numbers of school districts indicated they’ve not seen any evidence yet of a larger than normal turnover, but many of
those decisions may be announced in the next few months as superintendents notify their governing bodies about their June intentions.
This month’s magazine focuses on an array of career transitions. You’ll read about the experiences
of several first-time superintendents whose hirings and relocations to new school communities have taken shape in the midst of the COVID-19 shutdowns and self-quarantines and what it’s been like for search firms in the business of
filling such vacancies.
You’ll also read about some practical considerations and cautions when moving from a superintendent job into higher education, an increasingly appealing transition. AASA’s most recent decennial
survey found 39 percent of respondents expressing a desire to teach college-level courses upon exiting the superintendency.
I’m betting more than a few readers will identify with the sentiment of Jan Irons Harris in her piece, “I
Failed Retirement."
And don’t overlook the second installment of our Thought Leadership Series, a Q&A/conversation between bestselling author Dan Heath and superintendent Joe Sanfelippo of Fall Creek, Wis.
forward to your reactions to any of the above.
Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator
Awards of Excellence