March 2022: School Administrator

New Directions — Learning 2025
This issue examines how AASA’s Learning 2025 initiative serves as a blueprint for student-centered, equity-focused schooling.
Additional Articles
Learning 2025 Takeaways Spur a District’s Own Initiatives
Learning 2025’s impact on a district
A Unifying Vision: Portrait of a Graduate
The Portrait of a Graduate is a process that enables the full education ecosystem to come together to collectively shape a new vision.
Students Co-authoring Their Own Learning
Moving beyond personalization to put learners in the driver’s seat to build skills and dispositions
Adaptive Leadership for a Post-COVID World
Understanding ‘polarity strategy’ is a useful starting point when advancing new initiatives in a school system
Doctoral Recipients
The unchanging status of terminal degrees over recent decades.
Shifting Inward During a Storm
A school psychologist worries about the impact of her desired leave of absence on her needy students amidst a pandemic. Our panel analyzes the dilemma.
Takeaways From My Legal Entanglements
A superintendent’s five lessons that are drawn from personal experiences as the defendant in lawsuits.
When the Board Demands a New Policy
Tamping down tendencies to create a policy for every problem, real or imagined.
Speaking the Lingua Franca of Contemporary Leadership
Being intentional with one’s language use as an open-minded leader.
The Best for Kids Requires Staff Diversity
An argument for acting on the need to expand the candidate pool.
Recruiting Staff Through Your District Website
Promoting career opportunities more visibly on your website.
The Complicated Nature of Indoor Air Quality
Dealing with wear and disrepair on schools’ HVAC systems.
Redesigning Schools Post-Pandemic
Setting a vision that focuses on each learner’s unique needs.
Our Imperative for 2025
An actionable report that aims to create meaningful systemic change by 2025.
Despite Distractions, He Keeps Focus Where It Belongs
The Rockingham County, N.C., superintendent has forged on despite several curveballs.
Editor's Note
AASA’s Near Future Focus
Our association's executive director, Dan Domenech, asked the members of ÂÜÀòÍøLearning 2025: National Commission on Student-Centered, Equity-Focused Education to think boldly at its launching point in 2020. This issue of the magazine captures some of the bolder ideas being explored by the commission and illustrated through the demonstration school districts participating in the hard work.
The issue opens with a rationale for the commission’s being, composed by Bill Daggett, a prominent consultant who founded the International Center for Leadership in Education. A short accompanying piece by Pam Williams, chief of staff in Gwinnett County, Ga., offers an excellent illustration of how a district’s participation in Learning 2025 is advancing its home-front progress.
Veteran education writer Bill Graves captures several on-the-ground examples of what it looks like for school systems to engage in future-driven practices. Carole Basile, education school dean at Arizona State University, delivers a fascinating piece about her school’s part in building the next generation workforce in K-12 schooling. Tom Vander Ark, a former superintendent, details what it looks like when students help to author their own learning.
Finally, Ray McNulty, president of the Successful Practices Network, relates how adaptive leadership will advance the initiatives envisioned in Learning 2025.
If our coverage here piques the interest of anyone not already involved in this movement, ÂÜÀòÍøis overseeing a June conference in Washington, D.C., that will bring together many of the players. There’s also much more detail on the ÂÜÀòÍøwebsite.
Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator