June 2017: School Administrator


Additional Articles


Editor's Note

The Primacy of Books

Front and center this month: book reading. Our attention begins with a series of 15 short essays by invited school leaders about a book that has resonated for each over the course of his or her career. You can read more about our intentions in my introduction to the essays.

Our focus on the book continues with several stories about formal book discussion groups organized by superintendents. The principal article by Terry Alban, superintendent in Frederick County, Md., details the merits of a joint reading exercise with school staff and community members (even sometimes students). It’s a valuable form of engagement.

We were tipped off to this story idea by Jack Jennings, former director of a House congressional committee on education whose latest book Presidents, Congress and the Public Schools was Alban’s chosen book for discussion last summer.

Of course, this magazine’s attention to the latest literature and non-fiction is a monthly fixture. We publish six critiques of new works relating to education and organizational leadership every month. And we’re always willing to add to our book reviewing corps. (You must be an ÂÜÀòÍømember). So let me know if you’re interested.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

