2024 Spring Journal of Scholarship and Practice

Additional Articles
The Changing Role of Principals: Are District Leaders and University Preparation Programs Providing the Needed Supports
Principals need more support in areas like technology, social-emotional support, and flexibility.
Staying Power: English Language Arts Achievement after Installation of an Educator Effectiveness System
The results show that schools who sustained the TAP System significantly out perform matched comparison schools.
A Systems Approach to Limiting or Eliminating the Use Restraint and Seclusion in Schools
This article highlights the prevalent use of restraint and seclusion in schools, particularly affecting students with disabilities, emphasizing recent U.S. Justice Department guidance aligning with research advocating for limited and emergency-only use of such practices, while proposing three systemic changes—implementing positive behavior intervention supports, supporting students in crisis, and involving families—to mitigate or eradicate their use.
Thanks and Appreciation
The ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice would like to thank AASA, ÂÜÀòÍø, and in particular AASA’s Leadership Development, for its ongoing sponsorship of the Journal. We also offer special thanks to Kenneth Mitchell, Manhattanville University, for his efforts in selecting the articles that comprise this professional education journal and lending sound editorial comments to each volume. The unique relationship between research and practice is appreciated, recognizing the mutual benefit to those educators who conduct the research and seek out evidence-based practice and those educators whose responsibility it is to carry out the mission of school districts in the education of children. Without the support of ÂÜÀòÍøand Kenneth Mitchell, the ÂÜÀòÍøJournal of Scholarship and Practice would not be possible.
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