2023 Fall Journal of Scholarship and Practice

This issue explores the complex nature of leadership autonomy in the face of culture wars, disruptive technologies funding and more.
Additional articles explore instructional coaching, preventing burnout and enriched internships.
The first article is an evidence-based practice article that focuses on research done by Sarah Woulfin, Laura DeSimone, and Amy Stornaiuolo. They describe a coaching model that includes district leaders designing infrastructure for instructional reform and mediating coaching.
The second article is written by Winona State University researchers Paige Peterson and Steven Baule, who look at the relationship between professional development and teacher burnout. In this research piece the writers describe how professional development can provide support, emphasizing the relationship between collaboration, interaction, experimentation, consultation, and reflection when encountering difficulties.
The third article is written by Margaret Terry Orr, director of the doctoral program in educational leadership at Fordham University in New York City. She studied the comparative benefits and outcomes of enriched internship experiences. Orr provides evidence in her research article for the impact of a multi-cohort, state-funded internship initiative.
Finally, the fourth article is a book review of David Berliner and Carl Hermanns’s Public Education: Defending a Cornerstone of American Democracy. Reviewer Art Stellar describes how the book is a collection from education scholars and practitioners that provides perspectives on fifty years of reform efforts. “If,” says the Journal editor, “schools are at multiple inflection points … then a way forward comes through the development and facilitation of a professional learning culture designed to outlast transient leaders, survive disruptive and politically misguided reforms, and develop adaptable leaders who can balance their professional autonomy with an appreciation for system strategic alignment.”
Additional Articles
Cultivating Leadership Autonomy for Complex Times
We are in a moment of opportunity. The struggle over who controls the future of America’s public schools may come down to a matter of trust.
Designing Instructional Coaching: Suggestions for Supporting Teachers' Professional Learning for the 21st Century
Coaching is a popular and high-leverage instrument for instructional reform. Coaching holds potential to accelerate teacher learning and school improvement.
Preventing Burnout Among Early Career Teachers
Education jobs can prove to be stressful careers with various aspects being more stressful than others.
The Comparative Benefits and Outcomes of Enriched Internship Experiences
The leadership development impact of a multi-cohort state-funded initiative to provide enhanced internships for leadership preparation candidates from low- and moderate-resourced suburban districts.
Thanks and Appreciation
The Journal of Scholarship and Practice would like to thank AASA, The School Superintendents
Association, and in particular AASA’s Leadership Development, for its ongoing sponsorship of the
We also offer special
thanks to Kenneth Mitchell, Manhattanville University, for his efforts in selecting
the articles that comprise this professional education journal and lending sound editorial comments to
each volume.
The unique relationship between
research and practice is appreciated, recognizing the mutual benefit to
those educators who conduct the research and seek out evidence-based practice and those educators
whose responsibility it is to carry out the mission of school districts
in the education of children.
Without the support of and Kenneth Mitchell, the Journal of Scholarship and Practice
would not be possible.
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