March 2019: School Administrator

Additional Articles
Collaborative Cleaning: Cost Savings and Classroom Support
Wisconsin schools took an opportunity to improve how they cleaned school classrooms while reducing costs
Team Walkthroughs and Improved Safety
One district shares its roadmap for achieving continuous improvement and finding win-win solutions
Tools and Tactics of Organizational Excellence
The work of creating a high-performing school system through continuous improvement
From a System of Schools to a School System
How a Texas superintendent applies his understanding of Baldrige quality protocols to continuous growth in a suburban district
A Climate With Feedback and Self-Correction
What educators can learn from private-sector models about defining problems and evolving solutions
Four Measures for Creating a Culture of Improvement
A consulting firm’s research with districts makes the connections between continuous progress and school success
Effectiveness Factors
A Gallup survey asked superintendents what contributes most significantly to their impact on the job.
Plagiarizer From Her Past
A deputy superintendent is asked as a favor by a former student to remove content from her personal website to save a college student from a possible plagiarism accusation.
A Purposeful Use of Twitter for Global Connectivity
A suburban superintendent amplifies her voice as an education thought leader.
The Legalities of Classroom Apps
When teachers bring their own software into the classrooms, they may be raising some liabilities for the school district.
Sowing Seeds Between Board Meetings
Using interim periods in the schedule to build positive relationships with board of education members.
My Itchy Case for Authentic Learning
Real-world school districts creating real-world learning experiences share several attributes
Helping Children Navigate the Digital Age
What impact is dependency on devices having on children?
Investing in Improvement
EARLIER THIS SCHOOL year, my school district began the search to replace a retiring high school principal who had enjoyed a long, distinguished career. Based on our belief that it was important to hear what students had to say about the replacement, we conducted a student survey.
The Culture Shift of Personalization
The excitement of watching personalized instruction well adopted in a classroom.
Deftly Shifting Course for Brighter Prospects
The superintendent in Okmulgee, Okla., gambled on a personalized curriculum that’s now paying off.
Editor's Note
Continuous Improvement
IT’S RARE for School Administrator to devote the majority of its editorial theme coverage to a single school district. (The last one I can remember focused on the extraordinary array of specialty school choices offered in Canada’s Edmonton Public Schools, which consumed much of our May 2001 issue.)
This month, we have chosen to paint a picture of continuous improvement on the school system level by extensively describing the work of the Menomonee Falls district in southeastern Wisconsin. It’s probably not a place most readers have heard about, though it has been at the forefront among school districts that have applied improvement science to the work of running schools.
Patricia Greco invested in a process that sets goals, identifies ways to improve and evaluates the changes to Menomonee Falls when she became its superintendent in 2011. Recently retired from the district, she provided considerable help to me at the conceptual and organizational stages of this issue, for which I am grateful.
While several articles are authored by her, her former colleagues and her successor, others were contributed by a superintendent in Texas, a professor of high-velocity organizational leadership and the heads of two national consultancies that work with school districts on continuous improvement.
We hope you find meaning in these pages.
Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator
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