ÂÜÀòÍøseeks to identify educational systems that are committed to implementing recommendations of the Learning 2025: National Commission on Learner-Centered, Future-Driven Education. School systems are invited to apply to become a Demonstration
System or Engaged System and join AASA’s Learning 2025 Network. This application can be from a school district, a group of school districts, or a community of businesses or non-profits working with a school district in striving toward system redesign.
reflecting upon their work, applicants are encouraged to think of systemic redesign as a continuum of progress from beginning, to developing, to fully implementing. Systems may be addressing many components at once or only a few. All systems are welcome
to reflect upon their progress in relation to eleven key components of redesign and apply to join the Learning 2025 Network. A core belief of the network is that seeing effective practices in other school systems helps envision continuous improvement.
There are three foundational areas of culture to which all Learning 2025 Network members are committed.
- Whole Learner
- Empowering ALL Learners
- Future-Driven Education
three are essential commitments and must be completed for this application. Applicants are invited to reflect upon and share information about their progress in any of the other eight redesign components.
Only districts new to the ÂÜÀòÍøLearning 2025 network need to fill out the application. If you are a returning system, please use the renewal link you were sent. Please contact learning2025@aasa.org if you need the link sent to you again.
The application must be completed and submitted in the same sitting. If you need to collaborate with others to
submit answers, please work offline and be ready to submit all answers at the same time. You may insert links into your answers to link to additional information. Finally, districts do not need to answer all questions in the Growth and Accelerator
Areas. Feel free to choose one or two of them that you are currently working on or ones on which you would like to focus.
* denotes required field