Second Annual Learning 2025 National Summit to Kick Off in Washington, D.C.

June 26, 2023

AASA's Lighthouse Demonstration Systems to be Featured


James Minichello

Alexandria, Va. – June 26, 2023 – Superintendents and their respective teams championing successful, innovative practices in schools are gathering at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C., June 26-28, 2023, for the second annual Learning 2025 National Summit, an event that will convene more than 800 school system leaders from across the country.

Hosted by , in partnership with the and , six school districts recently recognized as Lighthouse Demonstration Systems serving as models of positive change in American education will be featured, along with hundreds of other school district leaders who are creating learner-centered and future-driven paths on behalf of their students, families and communities.

Over the course of the summit, participants will learn from each other, as well as from thought leaders and national experts, through keynote presentations, how-to sessions and networking sessions focused on strengthening culture, instruction and maximizing the use of resources.

“One of the greatest opportunities we have as educators is to plant dreams in the minds of our students and families, and nurture those dreams into fruition so our graduates can become something they couldn’t have even imagined when they entered high school. That’s where Learning 2025 comes in,” said David R. Schuler, executive director, AASA. “This initiative is incredibly powerful because it focuses on supporting the academic, social and emotional growth of all of the individuals in a school community—students, staff and families. Learning 2025 systems make up a transformative movement of more than a hundred school districts that are actively shaping the future of education.”

“One of the greatest opportunities we have as educators is to plant dreams in the minds of our students and families, and nurture those dreams into fruition so our graduates can become something they couldn’t have even imagined when they entered high school. That’s where Learning 2025 comes in,” said David R. Schuler.

The selected “Lighthouse” designees are members of , a cadre of more than 120 demonstration systems representing forward-leaning, urban, suburban and rural school districts engaged in networking with each other to help drive education policy and ultimately improve student-academic performance. The goal of the network, which was created by the Learning 2025 Commission, is to guide Learning 2025 leaders as they chart their progress toward a “Lighthouse” designation in one or more areas of growth.

The Spring 2023 Learning 2025 Lighthouse Systems are:

  • Coal Center, Pa.

    Area of Focus: Learners as Co-Authors

    Superintendent: Laura Jacob
  • Murrysville, Pa.

    Area of Focus: Future-ready Learners

    Superintendent: Gennaro Piraino Jr.
  • Algonquin, Ill.

    Area of Focus: Future-ready Learners

    Superintendent: Scott Rowe
  • Blairsville, Pa.

    Area of Focus: Future-ready Learners

    Superintendent: Philip Martell
  • McDonald, Pa.

    Area of Focus: Future-ready Learners

    Superintendent: Michelle Miller
  • Wilder, Idaho
    Area of Focus: Students as Co-Authors
    Superintendent: Jeff Dillon

“I truly believe that the school system leaders attending our summit represent ambassadors for democracy,” said Mort Sherman, senior associate executive director, Leadership Network. “Those joining us recognize the importance of the work we’re doing together on behalf of the 50 million young learners throughout the country. When we created the concept of the ‘Lighthouse’ school district, we did it with the idea to learn and take action together.”

Click here to view the Learning 2025 National Summit agenda. For additional information about the summit, contact Sherman, at, or Ann Levett, assistant executive director, at

About AASA
AASA, , founded in 1865, is the professional organization for more than 13,000 educational leaders in the United States and throughout the world. AASA’s mission is to support and develop effective school system leaders who are dedicated to equitable access for all students to the highest quality public education. For more information, visit