Unleashing Talent: A conversation between book author Gary Hamel and associate professor and former superintendent Mary Herrmann

Type: Article
Topics: Leadership Development, School Administrator Magazine

April 01, 2021

Thought Leadership Series

This fifth installment in School Administrator’s Thought Leadership Series captures the thinking of book author Gary P. Hamel in a conversation with Mary Herrmann, clinical associate professor of education at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a former superintendent of three districts in Missouri and Illinois.

Gary Hamel
Management consultant Gary Hamel suggests superintendents view their role as being more of a social scientist. PHOTO COURTESY OF GARY HAMEL

Hamel is an American management consultant, a faculty member at the London Business School and a founder of Strategos, an international management consulting firm based in Chicago. He co-authored (with Michele Zanini) a 2020 work Humanocracy: Creating Organizations as Amazing as the People Inside Them. His previous books include What Matters Now: How to Win in a World of Relentless Change; Ferocious Competition and Unstoppable Innovation; and Competing for the Future.

In Herrmann’s interview, which focuses on Hamel’s most recent book, the author talked about how to change complex organizations, including school systems, through a bottom-up approach; how to dismantle bureaucracies and unleash the latent genius inside organizations; and the superintendent’s role as an activist and social architect.

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