Streamlining Operations for Your Board
April 01, 2024
The superintendent can and should play a role in assisting the board of education in developing systems and routines for working effectively and efficiently as it honors its role as elected representatives of their community.
This work often begins by hosting meetings with candidates seeking seats on the board. Several superintendents with whom I work brief candidates on the demographics of the district, the fiscal health, the educational program and the district’s strategic plan. Victorious candidates then can jump-start their public service.
These opportunities to inform and educate board members can continue during board orientation with the board chair and superintendent as they share the calendar of upcoming events along with current successes and challenges facing the district and board. The agenda could include a status report on achievement and enrollment trends, a facility update, an introduction to district policies, a review of the board’s statutory obligations under state and federal law and an introduction to the state’s open meetings law.
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