Sidelight: Andrae Townsel

Type: Member Spotlight
Topics: School Administrator Magazine

February 01, 2023

Andrae Townsel in a modeling adWhen Andrae Townsel saw an ad on Facebook during the pandemic in search of big and tall men as potential models, he figured he’d take a shot. Townsel, superintendent since last August in the Calvert County Public Schools in Prince Frederick, Md., cuts a sharp figure at 6-foot-5 when he’s wearing his stylish suits, which he often does on the job. After shooting a few gigs that wound up featuring his image in 300 clothing stores nationwide, the 38-year-old was signed to the TRUE Model Management agency in New York. He now models sports, casual and business casual attire during his time off to “empower the big and tall to look good and feel good so they can lead good,” he says. Townsel, a five-year member, admits he enjoys being recognized in promotional signage by his students. “[My] message to kids is that they can do and be what they want.”



