The Political Temperature of Climate Change Education

Type: Article
Topics: District & School Operations, School Administrator Magazine

April 01, 2024

A school community’s location may be the principal factor behind how and if the subject is addressed in classrooms

In New Jersey, climate change isn’t relegated to one or two carefully worded lessons in a middle school science class. It’s embedded in all aspects of education, from science to English to social studies, from elementary school through high school.

Meanwhile, in some states, climate change might get only a glancing mention in the classroom. Or it might be carefully couched in language designed not to offend certain parties.

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Additional Resources

The following resources support climate change education in K-12 education.

  • provides free teaching resources and an online community for educators.
  • part of the Paleontological Research Institution, provides resources for teaching about climate science, such as The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change plus toolkits and videos.
  • NASA maintains a for educators, including K-12 climate change lessons and activities from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory aligned with Next Generation Science and Common Core Math Standards.
  • runs a Supporting Teachers program with lessons to counter misinformation about climate change. The center monitors climate change instruction across the country and reports on climate change in each state’s science standards.
  • provides access to research, resources and programs to advance environmental literacy and runs a virtual community.
  • maintains a resource database, including teacher-created climate change lesson plans.



