Paid Membership Dues
August 01, 2019
State of the Superintendency

The number of superintendents whose school districts pay for their annual membership dues in national professional organizations (such as AASA) has increased steadily during this decade.
Meanwhile, district-paid dues in state or regional professional
groups has remained steady at 93 percent for superintendents, according to national surveys conducted by in 2014, 2016 and 2019.
The most recent survey also reported 52 percent of respondents had employer-paid dues for their membership
in a community organization, such as the Rotary Club or Chamber of Commerce.
“” by Robert S. McCord; “2016 Superintendent Salary & Benefits Study” by Leslie A. Finnan and Robert S. McCord; and “2014 Superintendent Salary & Benefits Study” by Leslie A. Finnan, Robert S. McCord, Christopher C. Stream, George J. Petersen and Noelle M. Ellerson.