The Other Side of Professional Growth
June 01, 2023
Personal support, in the form of executive coaching, can help a superintendent address the enduring challenges that transcend time and place
The November 1907 issue of the American School Board Journal featured a cartoon in which the vacancy notice for a superintendent of schools had been posted on the front door of a board of education office. The solicitation read:
“Wanted: A Superintendent to suit everybody. Must satisfy ultraconservative and radical-progressive elements.”
Having served as a superintendent for 27 years, I can attest to the fact that not much has changed about the expectations reflected in job descriptions over the past 100-plus years.
Of course, plenty else has changed. Professional growth for superintendents is a necessary consideration now, as the knowledge base for the areas where we exercise leadership is ever-expanding in breadth and depth. Superintendents face a daunting array of challenges to improve education for all students.
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