Motivated To Become a Superintendent

Type: Infographic
Topics: Leadership Development, School Administrator Magazine

September 01, 2016

State of the Superintendency
Superintendent Motivation

More than half of the 851 superintendents responding to an study of the superintendency indicated their commitment to helping students was the primary reason for seeking the top leadership position of a school district.

The only other motivating factor chosen by more than a quarter of the respondents (who could only pick one) was dedication to the school system where he or she was working. However, this factor finished No. 1 by a significant margin for those superintendents who were leading systems with 25,000 or more students, although they represented just 21 of the 851 respondents.


“Study of the American Superintendent: 2015 Mid-Decade Update” published by AASA.

Analysis was constructed by Leslie A. Finnan, Robert S. McCord, Christopher C. Stream, T.C. Mattocks, George G. Petersen and Noelle M. Ellerson.



