Knowhow in Your Pocket
February 01, 2020
Social Media
WE ARE IN AN EXCITING TIME when it comes to professional development. Twitter chats, virtual conferences and online workshops with some of the biggest names in the training world are expanding the minds of educators everywhere.
Podcasts can do the same. Podcasts serve as PD in your pocket.
Too often I hear fellow educators bemoan, “I don’t have time to read. I don’t have time to attend a conference.” Indeed, we’re all busy, but when we reflect back on each week can we honestly say we didn’t have an extra 30 minutes to make us better at what we do?
Educators I’ve talked to say they pick a podcast episode before heading out for a jog. A teacher recently told me her commute is about 30 minutes — a perfect amount of time to listen to a new episode of her favorite podcast.
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