Healthier School Communities: What's at Stake Now and What We Can Do About It

Type: Report
Topics: Health & Wellness, School Nutrition

October 07, 2020

Appears in

Healthier School Communities Report
In March of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic upended our country, leading to a hunger and education crisis like we have never seen before.

This report reflects on the role schools play in supporting a culture of wellness; the opportunities, trends, barriers and reasons why schools have been the great equalizer in America, where the minority is the majority in U.S. schools.

We examine how far we’ve come since the passage of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act ten years ago and the important role nutrition and physical activity play in learning, health and well-being.

Together, with our school partners, health professionals, private and public sector leaders, foundations, businesses, school wellness champions, volunteers and students, we will tackle the impacts and harsh realities that COVID-19 has created. We believe in a world where all students can thrive. Creating healthier school communities is essential to achieving this vision.

AASA, GENYOUth, National Dairy Council, Urban School Food Alliance



