Generative AI: What it is and What it is Not

Type: Webinar Recording
Topics: Technology & AI

June 14, 2023

Appears in

Generative AI: What it is and What it is Not webinar
What is the K-12 risk and opportunity in generative AI that's become so common so fast?


Educators need to understand and respond to the rise of this technology that is changing assumptions on everything from assignment completion to the future of work. Bill Gates christened it as “the most important advance in technology since the graphical user interface.”

Explore how we help our members harness the opportunities while mitigating the risk of generative AI.


David Schuler, executive director, AASA; former superintendent, High School District 214, Ill.


Pete Just, president, Just Strategics; former chief technology officer, Wayne Township, Indianapolis, Ind.; former CoSN board president

Joseph South, chief learning officer, ISTE; former director of the office of educational technology at USDOE


Webinar 2 (6/7, 3pm EDT): Demystifying AI and What it Means for Schools

How can we demystify AI? What should leaders be thinking about as they go into summer? What information is needed for policy, protocols and practices over the summer? How do we prepare our teachers and students for using AI as a tool? Should AI impact summer professional learning and if so, how? What are trusted resources that educators can use?


David Schuler, executive director, AASA; former superintendent, High School District 214, Ill.


Richard Culatta, executive director, ISTE/ASCD and former assistant secretary, USDOE Office of Educational Technology

Diane Doersch, senior director of Information Technology at Digital Promise



Webinar 3 (6/14, 3pm EDT): Adding AI to Educators’ Toolkits

What are uses of AI for educators? What should leaders be thinking about as they go into summer? What information is needed for policy, protocols and practices over the summer? How do we prepare our teachers and students for using AI as a tool? Should AI impact summer professional learning and if so, how?  What are trusted resources that educators can use?


David Schuler, executive director, AASA; former superintendent, High School District 214, Ill.


Jeremy Roschelle, executive director, learning sciences research, Digital Promise

Kim Alexander, CEO, Collegiate Edu-Nation

Rachael McClain, chief of staff, Collegiate Edu-Nation



