Follow Five, Find Five, Take Five
February 01, 2016

Although connected educators vary widely in job titles, geographic locations, personal traits and other factors, they share these revealing commonalities: a zest for lifelong learning, a need to share what they know and learn what others know, a desire to associate with other educators who are equally energized about our noble profession and a willingness to change and take risks.
We have found these traits are shared by almost all members of our respective personal learning networks, or PLNs. The professional roles in which they serve may vary, but the actions, behaviors and commitments they exhibit distinguish these educators as “connected.”
In our book What Connected Educators Do Differently, we identify eight variables — which we call “key connectors” — that our PLN members tend to have in common. Intentionally living out each of these eight things not only will make you better at what you do, but also will transform the way you look at education overall.
We close each of the eight chapters on key connectors in the book with three short sections that we consider roadmaps for starting down the long and rewarding path to becoming a connected educator. These roadmaps are simple, actionable steps educators can take immediately to expand their learning network. We call these “Follow 5,” “Find 5” and “Take 5.”
Follow 5. Identify five educators who serve as models in the particular skill or knowledge area. By simply following these educators on Twitter, you will become more energized and informed. Commit today to grow your network of colleagues by following respected educators and add to a practical network. We list five educators from our professional learning network in our book.
Find 5. Locate five online resources/tools you can use to further develop yourself and improve your performance. Often, you learn about resources through your PLN. Or use Twitter to find them. Then pay the learning forward by sharing these resources with your own PLN.
Take 5. Develop five action steps you can take to get started on or advance your journey as a connected educator. Challenge yourself to move from learning to doing. Start by taking one thing you
have learned from your PLN and trying it out in your school or district. Keep searching for new ideas that are working elsewhere and adapt these in ways that will work in your own setting.