Extending Influence: Through the Governance Core

Type: Article
Topics: Board Relations, School Administrator Magazine

April 01, 2020

Co-authors of a new book highlight the strategies of effective, long-term superintendents in their dealings with board members
Michael Fullan
Michael Fullan, global leadership director at New Pedagogies for Deep Learning in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, studied superintendents who integrated governance with day-to-day actions.

It’s amazing to discover how little has been written about school system governance and the roles of trustees and superintendents as partners in reform at the district and state levels. We consider this to be a squandered opportunity as schools fail to progress in the way they should and could.

In a few cases, relationships between board of education members and superintendents are plagued by degrees of mutual conflict that inevitably render the school district ineffective, resulting in superintendent churn.

In many more cases, the district drifts along without dramatic events in governance but with limited progress on student growth. Nothing is more damning than the faint praise from a superintendent who states, “My board is great. They leave me alone.”

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Michael Fullan & Davis Campbell
About the Authors

Michael Fullan is global leadership director at New Pedagogies for Deep Learning in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Davis Campbell, retired executive director of the California School Boards Association, is a senior policy fellow at the University of California, Davis.

They are co-authors of The Governance Core: School Boards, Superintendents, and Schools Working Together (Corwin, 2019).

A Pair of Model Leaders to Emulate

Two of the superintendents who best exemplify the ideals we express in The Governance Core are Marc Johnson and Laura Schwalm, now both retired. We profile their actions here about their relations with their respective school boards.

Marc Johnson
Marc Johnson
Marc Johnson

He served as superintendent of the Sanger Unified School District in Sanger, Calif., from 2003 to 2013 and was honored as National Superintendent of the Year in 2011.

In 2003, the teachers’ union in Sanger sponsored a roadside billboard ad that blared “Welcome to the home of 400 unhappy teachers.” A district with 11,000 students and 12 schools, Sanger was listed by the state the following year as the 98th lowest-performing district among more than 1,000 statewide. When Johnson retired in 2013 after 11 years as superintendent, the district had advanced to one of the highest-performing in California.

Johnson made a personal commitment to keep children in the forefront of every decision and deliberation — a theme he constantly reinforced with his board of education.

Johnson established a practice to ensure that, prior to any action, the board was fully engaged and informed. He always made sure the board knew the why behind an initiative before they were asked for approval. In the case of any doubts being raised, Johnson always hit the pause button and re-worked the plan.

He made it a point to engage the board in the work of the district. Throughout the school year, the district held structured school visits for the trustees. They were designed as a learning tool to show the board how the programs they approved with financial backing were being used to benefit students in the schools.

Johnson built in sit-down dinner meetings before every board meeting involving senior staff, and he organized interaction on key issues. Staff members and trustees were paired around specific issues at each meeting as a way to build relationships.

Most significantly, Johnson believed a superintendent always should be honest and upfront with members of the board. Some superintendents, in his view, would present only half the story and give the board a false perception of reality. “You must confront the ugly,” he said.

Building relationships with the board was right up there with keeping children as the highest priority.

Laura Schwalm
Laura Schwalm
Laura Schwalm

The superintendent of the Garden Grove Unified School District in Anaheim, Calif., for 14 years before retiring in 2013, Schwalm managed a diverse school system with 48,000 students.

During her tenure, which ended in retirement in 2013, Schwalm’s district was selected in 2004 as the winner of the Broad Prize for Urban Education and was one of five finalists in both 2002 and 2003 for the coveted award honoring the most outstanding urban school system in America. The district was one of the state’s lower performing in the 1990s.

Schwalm makes it clear that a major factor in her success could be attributed to a purposeful, highly proactive relationship with the school board. She worked closely with board members, making sure they owned the instructional program. She always tried to give the board credit for the major accomplishments of the district and ensured they knew she was supporting them, or as she told us, “watching their back.”

While making sure each trustee was fully informed on district programs, Schwalm shared information in a way that would help them communicate with the community. She was conscious of their perspectives and of the pressures they felt as elected officials. She was always conscious of her internal moral compass.

Similar to Johnson, she saw herself working for the children as well as for the board, thus bringing the two agendas together.

—&Բ;Michael Fullan and Davis Campbell



