The Essence of a Support Network

Type: Article
Topics: Leadership Development, School Administrator Magazine

March 01, 2020

Four female superintendents in central Illinois lend their ears and best thinking to each other’s professional lives
Amanda Geary, Kristen Kendrick-Weikle, DeAnn Heck, Sheila Greenwood
From left, Amanda Geary, superintendent in DeLand, Ill.; Kristen Kendrick-Weikle, superintendent in Warrensburg, Ill.; DeAnn Heck, superintendent in Moweaqua, Ill.; and Sheila Greenwood, superintendent in Bement, Ill., at the Illinois Association of School Ad-ministrators’ annual conference.

All superintendents know the loneliness of working in the top position of a school district. It can be even lonelier for a woman in a role that for decades has been considered a man’s domain.

This feeling was particularly strong for me when I became a superintendent in 2011 and was the only female member at a two-county regional meeting in central Illinois that involved leadership of 13 school districts. I learned there was another woman superintendent in the large region, but unfortunately our paths didn’t cross much. Being the only female superintendent who regularly attended meetings was lonely. I knew I could call or e-mail the male superintendents in the region for work-related questions, but I didn’t have the type of relationship with them in which I felt I could share my worries or be vulnerable with them.

In 2013, another female superintendent, Sheila Greenwood, joined the region. Soon after, DeAnn Heck and Amanda Geary became superintendents nearby. I quickly became friends with each of these women as they embarked in their superintendent roles. Each of us was in her first superintendency and all were the first female superintendent in our districts.

DeAnn, Sheila, Amanda and I committed to each other’s success both in our professional and personal lives. We typically communicate with one another on a weekly basis, and it’s not uncommon to reach out to one another with questions, concerns and professional/personal news to celebrate. We often lend an ear to one another or can be the colleague who challenges one another’s thinking.

I am grateful for my friendship with these women. I know that we are there to support each other without judgment.

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Kristen Kendrick-Weikle, DeAnn Heck, Sheila Greenwood & Amanda Geary
About the Authors

Kristen Kendrick-Weikle is superintendent of Warrensburg-Latham CUSD 11 in Warrensburg, Ill. This July, she becomes the superintendent of McLean County Unit District No. 5 in Normal, Ill.

Contributing to this article were DeAnn Heck, superintendent of Central A&M CUSD 21 in Moweaqua, Ill.; Sheila Greenwood, superintendent of Bement CUSD 5 in Bement, Ill.; and Amanda Geary, superintendent of DeLand-Weldon CUSD 57 in DeLand, Ill.



