Engagement in Their Work
May 01, 2018
State of the Superintendency

Overall, 42 percent of superintendents are engaged at work, meaning superintendents are much more likely than the average U.S. worker to be engaged in their job, according to a nationwide survey of superintendents conducted by Gallup in 2017.
According to Gallup’s “State of the American Workplace” report, 33 percent of all U.S. workers are engaged at work. Among the 12 items that make up the surveyor’s employee engagement index, superintendents are most likely
to believe the mission of their organization makes them feel their job is important and to believe their opinions count at work. Roughly seven in 10 superintendents strongly agree with those statements.
Feelings of engagement at work differ
among superintendents by the size and location of their school system.
The Gallup 2017 Survey of K-12 School District Superintendents